George Allen / EducateMHC Blog Mobile Home & Land Lease Community Advocate & Expert

July 30, 2018

WARNING! Also,’think tank’ & Preserving Your Legacy!

Filed under: Uncategorized — George Allen @ 12:40 pm

Blog # 495; Copyright @ 29 July 2018;

Perspective. ‘Land lease communities, previously manufactured home communities, & ‘mobile home parks’, comprise the real estate component of manufactured housing.’

This blog posting is the sole national advocate, voice, official ombudsman, historian, research report & online communication media for all North American LLCommunities.

To input this blog &/or affiliate with Community Owners (7 Part) Business Alliance,
a.k.a. COBA7, use Official MHIndustry HOTLINE: (877) MFD-HSNG or 633-4764

COBA7 Motto: ‘U Support US & WE Serve U!’ Goal of its’ print & online media =
to not only inform & opine, but to transform & improve MHBusiness performance!
something we’d all like to ignore; but it’s not going away, so ‘be aware, be careful, and maybe, beware!’

RV/MH Hall of Fame Induction

Let’s get the bad news out of the way first. Yes, this is a sincere WARNING about
Banquet, the MHAlive! ‘think tank’, Legacy Writer’s Seminar, & 27th annual International Networking Roundtable, collectively kick off the Fall 2018 meeting schedule. Be there and enjoy the events with your friends!



Your Undocumented Pre-death Press Interview May be Used Gratuitously (‘in an uncalled for fashion’), to Convey a Maybe Different Message Than You Intended, After You Are Gone!

Seriously. To the best of my knowledge this sort of imbroglio (‘perplexing state of affairs’) has not occurred before, to any manufactured housing and or land lease community businessman or woman! But it appears to be occurring now. So, ‘be aware, be careful, and maybe, beware!’


MHAlive! ‘think tank’

At this point I have no idea how many manufactured housing and or land lease community businessmen and women will join us at the RV/MH Hall of Fame, from 9AM to Noon, on 6 August. RSVP deadline isn’t until the day after you likely receive and read this blog # 495 posting (31 July 2018). But frankly, that does not concern me in the least.

Why? In years past, MHAlive!, on RV/MH Hall of Fame Induction (banquet) day, has attracted between a dozen and two dozen folk open and willing to suggest and discuss industry/asset class issues, trends, challenges & opportunities. I’m told, and I believe it, MHAlive! is the sole recurring public opportunity for men and women, like thee and me, to caucus, enjoy camaraderie and engage in healthy interaction. 6 August will be whatever you and others make it to be, or not. Will you be present? I sure hope so.

We’ll either meet in the upstairs board room (capacity 12) at the RV/MH Hall of Fame in Elkhart, IN., or downstairs in the amphitheater (capacity 75). And remember, there’s a $20.00/person fee, to offset meeting and handout material expenses. Last opportunity to RSVP via (317) 346-7156 or via email:

Plan to be at the RV/MH Hall of Fame Induction Banquet that evening? Then order your tickets NOW via (574) 293-2344. And here’s a special hint. When you see me there, ask: “Hey, you have something special for me?” I will, & I’m sure you’ll like it!


Legacy Writer’s Seminar

To date, throughout the 70 year history of manufactured housing and land lease communities, only ten pioneers and leaders have authored or co-authored personal or corporate autobiographies! Too many grand experiences and adventures of business and personal challenge and success have disappeared unrecorded, upon the demise of their protagonists. That’s sad and so unfortunate – for one’s progeny (‘descendents’), ,mentees, business successors, and friends.

This ‘every other year’ writer’s seminar at the RV/MH Hall of Fame, on Induction (banquet) day, is my way of encouraging peers (You) to begin penning memoirs (‘short stories’), with an eye maybe, to collecting and self-publishing them in autobiographies or corporate histories, some day in the future.

This year is different. How so? Took time to research the eight autobiographies, one semi-autobiographical business text, and one photoautobiography now in print (Actually, Kris Jensen’s delightful book is long ‘out of print’), to compile ‘Who Will Preserve Your Legacy…as a manufactured housing or community businessperson? Answer: You!’ Yes, an unwieldy title, but clearly ‘splains’ the purpose of this handy HOW TO booklet. It begins by identifying and describing the existing ‘life & business stories’ in print, and in the RV/MH Hall of Fame library; then, recommends five steps to Preserving One’s Personal & Corporate Legacy. Extras? Proofreader’s marks, and a short story of my own, ‘Big George!’ Come and be motivated to preserve your legacy!

The information contained in the last paragraph of Part II (above) applies here as well, as to event location, $20 fee, and need to RSVP ASAP. In this instance however, everyone present will be given a copy of the legacy booklet just described.


27th Networking Roundtable

This annual event is only a month away. As oft happens this time of year, the Networking Roundtable ‘takes on a life of its’ own’, as presenters confirm their availability at the event, sponsors donate generously to offset event expenses, and frankly, excitement builds!

You’ve likely already studied the Networking Roundtable brochure, so know about the popular ‘Art of the Deal’ program Wednesday afternoon (4-6PM) – and how all day that day, a dozen or more on-site & regional property managers will be trained and certified as Manufactured Housing Managers, joining 1,000+ MHMs already owning/operating land lease communities throughout North America!

What you don’t know is that, as often occurs, we’ve added Surprise guest speakers and topics to the program. One team will describe how their firm grew a property portfolio two dozen communities strong, by selling & seller-financing new HUD-Code homes on-site; recently selling said portfolio for a record-setting value! Now they’re taking this unique business model ‘on the road’, teaching peers (you & me) how to do likewise with our land lease communities. A don’t want to miss learning opportunity!

And Skyline Champion execs will be on hand to ‘tell their merger story’ for the first time in a public forum. A tale we all need to hear. And yes, there’s yet another surprise guest presenter and topic TBA (to be announced) at the event proper.

Beside all that, Networking Roundtable aficionados know they’ll receive a special commemorative gift when they arrive. This year? A valuable memento designed especially for this event and its’ unique audience! And those who attend the early Friday morning informal prayer meeting (For our nation & its’ leaders ever since 9/11!) know they’ll each be given a book that carries a powerful message.

So, how can you not want to be present, 5-7 September, at The Alexander Hotel in Indianapolis, IN? To register for the MHM class and or Networking Roundtable, go to Have questions? Phone me via (317) 346-7156 or email: And there’s still some corporate sponsorships available!

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